Welcome to The Vibrant Life Summit

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Susan Jenkins

Shamanic Practitioner, Healer & Medicine Dreamer

Maya Breuer

VP of Cross-Cultural Advancement at Yoga Alliance Founder Santosha School of Yoga

Catharine Eberhart

Director of Purna Yoga East

Shola Arewa

Energy Doctor – Life Transformer

Suzanne Gundersen

Natural Stress Relief & Self Regulation

Christine Horner

Radiant Health, Ageless Beauty

Christian Wistehuff

COO Psynet Group
Board Chair & Managing Director
The Initiative To Educate Afghan Women

Patti Conklin

Vibrational Mediator

Jenny Clift

EFT Tapping Coach

Megan Jo Wilson


Betsy Muller

Facilitating a Comeback – Restoring Clarity after Chaos

Monica Jordan

Mindfulness Coach

Kelly Howe

Transformational Life and Business Coach

Stephanie Redlener

Founder at Lioness

Bruce Pardoe

Founder Heart Fluency

Leah Hadley

Financial Advisor and Money Coach

Sara Artemisia

Abundance Mindset Coach and Akashic Records Reader

Libby Bunten

Independent Consultant

Dr. Suzanne Faith

Certified Senior Anusara Teacher  

Poppy Champlin

Comedian, Producer

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